Thursday, April 05, 2007

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Copper Justice Your Superpower is Technology

Your Weakness is Sailors

Your Weapon is Your Vibro Armor

Your Mode of Transportation is Raft

Okay I stole this from Liz's blog. I didn't know this about myself. Very revealing.


Photolady said...

As long as you don't jump in a raft with a sailor you should be OK.
These are kinda silly huh, and most of the time not very accurate but it's still fun to see what they say!
Take Care!

Julie said...

Wow I didn't know that about you either! I agree with Amy, stay away from the "sailors". She should know.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the copper thing and the technology, I'm alright with that, but your weakness is SAILORS???? Oh dear!

And you can steal from my blog anytime! That's what it's there for.

Just Say Julie said...

wow - sailors?!?! is it the uniform...heehee