Monday, September 18, 2006

Wow! What a weekend, filled to the brim. football games, soccer, band-stuff, Women's Ministry functions, surprise party for my friend, clean-up, set-up, take down....up, down, up, down. whew. Good thing I loved it all. Great game on Saturday both soccer and USC football. Glad to see that Michigan beat Notre Dame :-). It was nice to spend time with friends and celebrate Susie's birthday. It just seems like a lot going on right now and I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed, lots of list making. which makes one more thing to add to the list..... Ah well seasons of life I suppose. I think that I am heading home for the day. Actually, I have to bring the boys to the dentist... but that's not on my list. argh!!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I just love the sound of "argh". It says so much in just four letters! The ever changing list. I'm glad it's not just mine.